“Gobi Goes Viral” by Vibha Batra and illustrated by Shamika Chaves. Published by Scholastic. An endearing story of Gopi who has to stand up for himself and brave all odds to continue studying at his new school.
Gopi is a nine year old boy who loves studying at Primrose Academy which he has recently joined. He is aghast when his teacher calls out his name in class for not paying his term fees. He is given an ultimatum of leaving the school if he doesn’t manage to pay his fees. He is worried as to how his parents will manage to arrange the money. They are already bogged down with financial problems. At the same time he cannot think of leaving the school which he loves despite having no friends and being bullied for his accent and funny English. Despite his attempts at improving his English, the wrong pronunciations always slipped out of his mouth in what seemed to be an effortless manner.
Gopi loves to rap and keeps dreaming of rocking the stage someday. He had foolishly mentioned in class that every person reminded him of a vegetable. The bullies used this fact to tease him as “Fool Gobi”. The name stuck and so did the taunts and bullying. An unexpected friend in the form of cool and super smart Pari who is rumoured to turn people to stone if she looks at them with her bare eyes stands by Gopi. She wants to help him get the money for the fees. What better way than him rapping on stage and unleashing his hidden talent at the school talent show to win the prize money. The judge is going to be the acclaimed music director A.R.Mehman. The only problem is his English accent and lack of confidence thanks to the bullies making fun of him. Can he muster the courage to overcome his fears? Will he be able to do what he has always loved? Or will it be goodbye to his new school? Read the page turner of a book to find out what Gopi manages to achieve.
The endearing character of Gopi became an instant hit with my nine year old as we started reading the book. The characters and their qualities have been portrayed beautifully and come out so well. Gopi’s determination and passion, Pari’s selfless friendship, empathy along with her super smart ideas and rocking attitude and the heartwarming characters of Gopi’s Baba and Seeti providing the support were the highlights for us. The themes of RTE, living in a chawl, financial difficulties, bullying, rapping, friendship, self confidence, empathy and CSR (corporate social responsibility) have been woven well in the story. All this with some lovely word play and a dash of humour.
Recommended Age
The book is apt for children aged 8 and above.