Rituchakra Series
“Rituchakra Series” by Mala Kumar and Manisha Chaudhry and illustrated by Priya Kuriyan. Published by Pratham. A delightful series of five books describing the five seasons of India namely Spring, Summer, Monsoon, Autumn and Winter.
The series introduces children to various seasons, their names in Sanskrit, the common occurrences during them, various festivals celebrated in different parts of India and many other practices related to food and clothing during these seasons. The stories are narrated by a little girl called Meenu.
“Everything looks new!” talks about Vasant Ritu (Spring). It is the time of growth. So many flowers, colours and birds and squirrels chirping and jumping around. The time to celebrate Basant Panchami and Holi.
“Lassi, Ice-cream or Falooda?” talks about Greeshma Ritu (Summer). The time of the year when it is hottest. The children have a gala time with schools being closed. Mangoes are in season. New Year is celebrated in many regions in different ways.
“Peacocks and Pakodas!” talks about the Varsha Ritu (Monsoon). The arrival of rains after the scorching heat, peacocks dancing and growth of crops are some of the highlights of this season. Not to forget the smell of Pakodas.
“Kheer on a Full Moon Night” talks about Sharat Ritu (Autumn). A season of festivals and joy. Sharat Poornima, Onam, Dasara and Deepavali. Quite a bit of festivities to spread happiness. The brief season of Hemant Ritu when it is getting colder just before winter is also mentioned.
“Hot Tea and Warm Rugs” talks about Shishira Ritu (Winter). A time to keep ourselves warm. This book describes the various ways in which the season is welcomed in different parts of the country. From the groundnut fair (kadlekayi parishe) in Bangalore to the snowman competition in Shimla to the desert fair in Jaisalmer. And then comes the festive season of Sankranti.
Overall a lovely series full of information about the colours, festivals and customs of various regions of India. I have been reading this with my seven year old for the last 2-3 years and we enjoy going through the entire series. Highly recommend these books for all children aged between 4-9. Though these are level 2 books, they work well for a broader age group.