“Shoo, Crow!” by Kavitha Punniyamurthi and illustrated by Priya Kuriyan. Published by Duckbill. A witty and funny story about two boys who are trying to keep the pesky crows away from the corn fields in their town of Rajipuram.
The story starts off with Velu and Akif trying to shoo away the crows by running amidst the tall maize plants. The crows had become a menace and were eating up all the corn. It was such a tiring job to make them go away. They weren’t bothered by the scarecrow any longer. None of the plans made by the boys worked. The crows returned and just wouldn’t go away.
On top of the crow problem, they had another bigger problem now. Velu’s uncle Pichu Mama was visiting their home. He was always trying something new. While he was over enthusiastic and thought that he was doing great, others had a hard time with all his doings. This time he had just discovered his love for music and was learning to play the harmonica.
What would Velu and Akif do now with the double trouble? How would they manage?Could they find a way to solve either or both of their problems? Could the crows be shooed away for good? Read this humorous hook book to find out. The illustrations by Priya Kuriyan are as good as always bringing the story alive.
My 7.5 year old enjoyed reading the book. He had picked it up on our visit to Funky Rainbow a few months ago. He was amused by the title and couldn’t stop chuckling through the story. The quirky illustrations and large sized text help the children to attempt reading the book on their own. This book is part of the “Hook Books” by Duckbill which help in making the transition from picture books to chapter books. We had read and enjoyed the book “When Bholu Came Back” by the same author earlier.
Recommended Age
The book is apt for children aged 5/6 and above.
Reasons to Read
For some laughter time and to pick up reading on their own.
Where to buy from?
An independent indie bookstore, Funky Rainbow, from where I buy many of my books.