“The Tallest Tale” by Anushka Ravishankar and illustrated by Chetan Sharma. Published by Karadi Tales. A hilarious story of Bundal who loves telling far fetched stories until he meets his match.
Bundal was a lazy young man. He whiled away his time narrating tall tales under the banyan tree in his village. This would lead to other people not doing their work most of the time and listening to his stories. His mother was tired watching this every day and she scolded him for not only wasting his time but that of others too. She asked him to go and help his father in the fields instead.
Upset with his mother’s scolding, Bundal wandered off into the nearby hills. A lot of work got done in the village that day as nobody wasted their time. Meanwhile Bundal saw a rich man sitting near the river and being served a sumptuous meal by his servant. A cunning plan formed in his mind. He decided to challenge the rich man to a contest of telling tall tales. The one who told the tallest tale would win and the loser would become the winner’s servant. Laden with overconfidence, he approached the rich man and challenged him to tell a tall tale. He was sure that he would win and everything that the rich man owned would become his.
What happens next? Will the rich man manage to tell a tall tale? Even if he does, can it be taller than Bundal’s? Who wins the contest? Will the rich man get outwitted by Bundal? This funny story is a laugh riot for children and the illustrations add to the charm of the story. And the name Bundal is so apt for someone who tells tall tales! My seven year old has loved the book since we read it last year. The book is apt for children aged 6+. Thank you Vidya Mani of Funky Rainbow for recommending this humorous book!
Where to buy from?
The publishers Karadi Tales here.
An independent indie bookstore, Funky Rainbow, from where I buy many of my books.