“Tit for Tat” by Samina Anim and illustrated by Lavanya Karthik. Published by Karadi Tales. A hilarious adaptation of a Panchatantra tale about how a cheeky jokester gets a taste of his own medicine.
It was a hot summer day. Nandini the crane was not having a good day so far. She had not been able to catch any fish so far. Her feet were getting cold and she was feeling very hungry. Heera, a mischievous fox, had been watching her. He invited her to have lunch with him. Looking at his wicked smile, Nandini was suspicious of his intentions. He was always playing silly tricks on all the animals and birds of the forest.
Nandini was extremely hungry and decided to go with Heera to his burrow for lunch. She was excited at the thought of the fresh and hot stew that he had in store for them. Imagine her plight when she found that he placed two flat and round bowls filled with stew on the floor. How could she drink with her long beak from a shallow bowl like that! Heera made fun of her beak and ate her share of the stew as well. Nandini had to go home and sleep with an empty stomach.
What was Nandini going to do next? Would she teach the cunning fox a lesson? Would she take her humiliation lightly? Was Heera going to be outfoxed? Read the delightful book to find out.
My eight year old has enjoyed reading this book for the last three years. He was amused by the story and couldn’t stop chuckling. The illustrations are charming and complement the story so well.
Recommended Age
The book is apt for children aged 4+.
Where to buy from?
The publishers Karadi Tales here.
An independent indie bookstore, Funky Rainbow, from where I buy many of my books.