What a lovely review of my book! Thank you so, so much! It’s readers like your son and you that keep me going! While writing it, I would read it to my daughter to see if it was working :-)

God bless you and your son!

All my love


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Thank you so much, Preetha. Lovely to hear from you. What a brilliant approach you have to continually validate what you write with your daughter :) A little Housefull of Bokks - Have been writing reviews here for a year and a half now to share the love of (mostly) Indian author books with the intent to make Indian author books lot more visible than they are today. Please do consider sharing Housefull of Books in your circles. Thank you :)

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Bless you Roopa. Yes of course, I will let others know of your reviews and ‘House full of books’. I am so pleased you are promoting Indian writers.

Sending you much love


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